When creating all your content you should always keep in mind the image you want to convey of your brand, remember that your tweets should not Clipping Path Service exceed 140 characters , if you can use less it will be better, this way you allow other people to add hashtags and enrich your communication.
Your main objective should be to attract users, therefore publish content on relevant topics and of common interest, so your followers can retweet what you post, do not stop using hashtags strategically.
Retweet the content that you consider valuable and that identifies with the values of your brand. Never fail to mention the source.
It is very important that you answer the questions or messages of your followers in a personal way. It is essential that you use a simple and informal vocabulary that allows you to reach your follower.
Abuse multimedia material, whether photos, videos or slides, remember that images have a greater reach than words, and the probability that this type of content will be retweeted is much greater.