Finding the email addresses of people you want to work with is one of the toughest tasks. This is where extensions like Hunter come in handy. You can use it to look up email addresses from anywhere on the web with just one click. It works out of the box. Just install and activate the extension and whenever you visit a website, click on the Hunter extension and it will show you all the data including email address, name, job title, social network and phone number (if they have these on their website data). If I could only choose one chrome extension (I use too many) it would be Hunter without a doubt, it saves me a lot of time looking up email addresses quickly. 2.
Nick Loper – Side Hustle Nation Recommended: LastPass My most-used extension is LastPass, which I rely on dozens of times a day to generate, store, and autofill passwords for me. I love this software because it takes the load off my brain when trying to remember industry mailing list details for potentially hundreds of different sites. Most importantly, I use LastPass to securely share access to certain sites with my team members. Overall, it's just a huge time and headache saver. 3. Zach Johnson - Recommendation: Display Pixel Colors While I'm sure many marketers will list Google extension tools related to
SEO, backlinks, social media, and content creation... I'm going to mix it up and list one that I personally use a lot. It's called "display pixel color". As someone who often uses online tools like Canva for quick graphic design, sometimes you just need to get a color code for a perfect match. Instead of opening different software tools and trying to find matching colors, this tool does it in seconds. Just click the tool icon, hover over the color you're looking for, and copy the given color code. It's that simple, download and use for free! 4. Nico Prins – Launch Space Recommended: Lifetime Software Deals This is a simple Chrome extension that notifies you when lifetime software deals are in effect. It gets deals from sites like AppSumo, StackSocial, and private Facebook groups. It's a simple idea, but useful if you want to keep an eye on what's currently on offer. Especially if one of those deals saves you money on tools you're already using.