What's the perfect way to get customers to convert? It's through organic search! Or wait, maybe Facebook ads? But what about the one real king, email marketing? All marketing channels work, but which one works best ? It's different for every company. A channel that converts many customers for one organization may not work very well for yours. Instead of researching every customer you have and asking them how they made their purchase decision,
you can simply track them and find out what led to their conversion from a marketing attribution report. What is industry leads marketing attribution? This post will cover all about it, including: What is marketing attribution? Why should you care about marketing attribution? What do you learn from a marketing attribution report? What is marketing attribution? Marketing attribution is a reporting method for showing which touchpoints along the customer journey have the most impact on the action you want people to take, such as making a purchase, filling out a form,
or making a purchase. other type of customer conversion. Marketing attribution helps you gauge the ROI of the marketing methods you use to connect with your customers. The conversion process is almost never as linear as you would like. You can set up the perfect mix of emails, paid ads, organic content, and product pages, hoping customers will follow your flawless path to conversion. But the customer's mind doesn't work that way. It's rare for a customer to go straight to a website and make a purchase,