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Feb 02, 2022
In General Discussions
With more and more possibilities and competition in the marketing world, you can't waste time without a strategy. Today more than ever, it is necessary to observe some digital marketing indicators to be sure that your campaigns are on the right track. Those numbers are able to help you see the parts of your strategy that are on track and the parts that need adjustment. Knowing it in time can be decisive for you to transform a failure into success. But there are many metrics available in the digital medium, which can confuse even those who already work in this area. For this analysis it is very important to choose the correct indicators so that you can always improve and innovate in your business. 1. Conversion rate The idea behind monitoring digital marketing indicators is to be sure that your actions are working, right? So you need whatsapp mobile number list to start with a metric that gets right to the point and shows you how successful your initiatives are achieving. The conversion rate points to the percentage of people influenced by your content who converted in some way , that is, bought a product, subscribed to a newsletter, marked a visit or any other action that you are looking for. This rate reveals the effectiveness of your campaign. In other words, a low conversion rate means that you are not convincing your target audience that your offer has value. 2.ROI All areas of a company need to get used to calculating ROI (return on investment). The ROI aims to show how much a certain action, campaign and even some segment is generating in terms of financial gain. The idea is to always have a return greater than the initial investment. Monitoring the ROI helps to walk towards that goal, also allowing you to trigger an alarm when you perceive that something is not right. Do you want to know how to calculate the ROI of any initiative of your company? Then look at this formula: ROI = (value of the profit obtained – total value of the investment) / value of the investment. 3. Bounce rate Is your content really pleasing the public? A great way to be sure is to measure your bounce rate . But what is rebound? This digital marketing indicator indicates when a visitor arrives at your website and immediately leaves it. This indicates that this person may not have found what they were looking for, or the page was irrelevant. To prevent your bounce rate from increasing, you need to analyze your content and what your audience is looking for. Thus, you can prepare relevant content.
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