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Apr 04, 2022
In General Discussions
Love can make the world go round, but it's website content that makes the internet go round. The internet is home to websites that compel and attract readers, as well as search engines with few of the bells and whistles that other, less successful websites are adorned with. Successful websites have cracked the code for website content that works. Great content is the differentiator between websites that generate profits and those that become turtles. As a website owner, you need clarity on what type of website content will best meet your needs. Next, you need to find the right person to create content for you. Content from a writer who has the experience. Expertise, and qualifications to write on a given topic will appeal more to readers. It will naturally have the weight that comes with knowledge in a niche. Such content offers the maximum return on investment for your marketing budget. Scripted empowers businesses and bloggers with the writing skills of some of the best writers. Here is a step by step guide on hiring the perfect writer for your niche. The employee data following data highlights the power of good website content –According to Optinmonster, businesses that blog get 97% more links to their websites. What are the characteristics that define great website content? Let's find out. Here are the ten essential attributes that all high-quality content should possess, along with relevant examples 1. A clear objective7Geese Launches Enhanced Goal and OKR Tracking Feature - OKRs and Performance Management | 7geeseA well-defined goal is the soul of website content. Words come together to achieve a goal. Clarity about where you are heading with the words is a fundamental requirement to ensure that you don't end up creating copy that meanders through weak currents of thought that lack the strength to drag the reader along. Clarity on purpose allows you to create a fleshed-out skeletal frame with meaningful copy in an appropriate tone.
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